Analisis Yuridis Terhadap Alasan Penemuan Novum Palsu Sebagai Dasar Peninjauan Kembali Kedua dalam Perkara Perdata


  • Ulil Manaqib UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya



Fake Novum, Review of the two civil cases, Supreme Court.


This article discusses the juridical analysis of the reasons for the discovery of a fake novum as the basis of a second review in a civil case. This study aims to answer the question of how are the reasons for the discovery of a fake novum as the basis for a second review in a civil case? and how are the legal analysis of a reason for the discovery of a fake novum as a the basis for a second review in a civil case. The reason for receiving the second review in the civil case is based on the discovery of a novum which was declared false by the Criminal Judge of the Bandung District Court that has inkracht, is a reason that falls within the criteria of Article 67 letter (a) which reads: “If the decision is based on a lie or a ruse the opposing party that is known after the case has been decided or based on evidence which is later declared to be false by the criminal judge”, is not classified as a reason for finding novum or the reason there are two conflicting judicial decisions. Secondly, the second review in the pedata and criminal case is only limited to the reason that there are two Judicial Decisions that are interrelated with one another (SEMA Number 10 Year 2009), so in addition to these reasons, the Supreme Court has never issued a policy related to the second mechanism Judicial Review, including on the grounds that a novum has been legally and convincingly found false by a public court.


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How to Cite

Manaqib, U. (2019). Analisis Yuridis Terhadap Alasan Penemuan Novum Palsu Sebagai Dasar Peninjauan Kembali Kedua dalam Perkara Perdata. AL-HUKAMA: The Indonesian Journal of Islamic Family Law, 9(1), 130–148.


