Pemikiran Zainal Abidin Ahmad tentang Konsepsi Negara Islam


  • Nur Cholis UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya



The Though of Zainal Abidin Ahmad dan Islamic Conception of State. Pemikiran Zainal Abidin Ahmad dan Konsepsi Negara Islam


Abstract: The discourse between Islam and the State in Indonesia is almost dominated by symbiotic-mutualistic relations. Islam considers State enforcement is one of the means for bringing people closer to Allah Almighty. One of the Indonesian prominent figures of this idea is Zainal Abidin Ahmad of Minangkabau Sumatra, a disciple of Hamka, a politician, a former deputy chairman of the House of Representatives. This paper aims to answer the question of how is the Islamic Conception of State and its Implementation in the Indonesian Territories being adjusted. At the end of the paper it is explained that the Concept of the Islamic State, according to Zainal Abidin shows three basic principles, namely (1) there is a government of the people conducted in consultation (h}uku>mah al-ummah shu>riyah), (2) it has the sources of law (us}u>l al-tashri>’), and (3) there is a demarcation of power in the State’s authority (taqsi>m al-sult}at). Furthermore, based on fiqh siyasah: in the time of the Prophet and al-Khulafa al-Rasyidin, the life of Muslims as a community (nation) is entirely discretional to the rules of the pattern that they will adopt in governing themself. But there is a set of moral and ethical principles and values that should be abided for the well-being of human life.


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How to Cite

Cholis, Nur. 2020. “Pemikiran Zainal Abidin Ahmad Tentang Konsepsi Negara Islam”. Al-Qanun: Jurnal Pemikiran Dan Pembaharuan Hukum Islam 22 (1):116-40.