Praktik Pesan Makanan melalui Go-Food di Kota Surabaya Perspektif Hukum Islam


  • Mohammad Nuruddin Surabaya



Ijarah, Go-food, Wakalah, Buying and Selling, Jual Beli


This study focuses on the problem of the practice of ordering food through Go-Food services on the Go-Jek application in Surabaya and the analysis of Islamic law. This type of research is a field research by using a qualitative descriptive research approach to describe the conditions, situations, or phenomena about the data obtained, namely about the practice of ordering food through Go-food services on the Go-Jek application in the city of Surabaya. Then, it is analyzed by using a deductive mindset, namely by explaining in advance about various things regarding the theory of ijarah, wakalah and the theory of buying and selling.  The results of the study concluded that the application of the food ordering system through Go-Food on the Go-Jek application from the pillars and conditions that use this ijarah contract is fully appropriate and valid according to Islamic law. From the conclusion above, the author gives suggestion to the Go-Jek application development party, especially on Go-Food services to provide a time limit for customers to cancel for certain reasons, precisely before the driver completes the purchase of customer food orders at the stall/ the destination restaurant. This is to reduce the losses that will be borne by the driver.


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How to Cite

Nuruddin, M. (2020). Praktik Pesan Makanan melalui Go-Food di Kota Surabaya Perspektif Hukum Islam. Maliyah : Jurnal Hukum Bisnis Islam, 10(1), 127–149.


