Upaya Menyikapi Perbedaan Penentuan Awal Bulan Qamariyah di Indonesia


  • Siti Muslifah IAIN Jember




Abstrak:         Penentuan awal bulan qamariah di Indonesia masih sering berbeda dan sulit untuk dipertemukan. Beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi perbedaan tersebut diantaranya adalah: 1) adanya keberagaman aliran hisab rukyat, 2) hampir setiap kalangan/lembaga di negara ini ikut menetapkan awal bulan hijriyah seperti Kementerian Agama RI, ormas-ormas Islam (PBNU, PP. Muhammadiyah, PERSIS, dan lain lain), ahli-ahli hisab, jama’ah-jama’ah, dan pondok pesantren; 3) tidak adanya patokan yang konkrit tentang kriteria penentuan yang disetujui oleh seluruh ahli falak di Indonesia sebagai acuan bersama. Pemerintah melalui Badan Hisab Rukyat telah melakukan upaya menengahi perbedaan kriteria hilal dengan membuat kriteria imkan rukyat. Namun demikian, kriteria tersebut masih belum mampu menyatukan perbedaan. Jika perbedaan ini terus berlanjut maka akan meninggalkan permasalahan yang tak kunjung usai seperti keabsahan dan kekhusukan ibadah, munculnya konflik antar kelompok masyarakat dan antara masyarakat dengan pemerintah, merosotnya kredibilitas ulama, serta rusaknya citra dan syiar Islam. Oleh karena itu, pemerintah melalui Menteri Agama perlu mengupayakan sebuah kriteria yang dapat diterima oleh semua golongan dan wajib dipatuhi oleh seluruh warga negara di bawah naungan pemerintah.

Kata kunci:    Penentuan awal bulan qamariah, upaya menyikapi perbedaan, kriteria hilal


Abstract:        Determination of the beginning of the Islamic month in Indonesia is still often different and difficult to meet. Some factors that influence these differences include: 1) the diversity of hisab rukyat, 2) almost every circle / institution in this country took part in setting the beginning of the Islamic month such as the Indonesian Ministry of Religion, Islamic mass organizations (PBNU, PP. Muhammadiyah, PERSIS, and others), experts in reckoning, pilgrims, and boarding schools; 3) the absence of concrete benchmarks regarding the criteria for determination agreed by all astronomers in Indonesia as a common reference. The government through the Hisab Rukyat Agency has made efforts to mediate differences in the criteria for the hilal by making imkan rukyat criteria. However, these criteria have not been able to unify differences. If this difference continues, it will leave unending problems such as the validity and solemn worship, the emergence of conflict between community groups and between the community and the government, the decline in the credibility of the clergy, and the destruction of the image of Islam. Therefore, the government through the Minister of Religion needs to work on a criterion that is acceptable to all groups and must be obeyed by all citizens under the auspices of the government.

Keywords:      Determination of the beginning of the qamariah, efforts to respond the differences, criteria of crescent moon


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How to Cite

Muslifah, S. (2020). Upaya Menyikapi Perbedaan Penentuan Awal Bulan Qamariyah di Indonesia . Azimuth: Journal of Islamic Astronomy, 1(1), 74–100. https://doi.org/10.15642/azimuth.2020.1.1.74-100


