Potensi Integrasi dan Internalisasi Hukum Pidana Islam ke dalam Penal Reform di Indonesia


  • M Sanuri UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya




Abstract: This article discusses the potential for integration and internalization of Islamic Criminal Law in the revision of the National Criminal Code (penal reform). There are three good reasons why the Islamic Criminal Law is quite potential to integrate and internalize in the draft revision of the National Criminal Code, namely; 1. Indonesia is a state based on Pancasila as its ideology as mentioned in the first principle “Almighty Godâ€; 2. The majority of Indonesian people are Muslim; and 3. Historically, Islamic criminal law was to have lived in the archipelago. The internalization process of Islamic Criminal Law into the National Criminal Law can be done with several principles, namely: (1) a substantial and contextual rather than formal-textual; (2) the orientation from jawâbir to zawâjir; (3) the theory of zawâjir (rehabilitation theory), namely how to rehabilitate convict; (4) the establishment of principles derived from Islamic law as set forth in the concept of maqâshid al-syarî'ah.

Keywords: Integration, Islamic Criminal Law, National Criminal Code, penal reform.


Abstrak:  Artikel ini membahas tentang potensi integrasi dan internalisasi hukum pidana Islam ke dalam revisi KUHP Nasional (penal reform). Ada tiga alasan kuat mengapa hukum pidana Islam berpotensi untuk berintegrasi dan berinternalisasi dalam rancangan revisi KUHP Nasional, yaitu; 1. Indonesia adalah negara yang berdasarkan Pancasila sebagai ideologi, terutama sila pertama “Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esaâ€; 2. Mayoritas masyarakat Indonesia adalah Muslim; dan 3. Secara historis, hukum pidana Islam ini pernah hidup di bumi nusantara. Proses internalisasi hukum pidana Islam ke dalam hukum pidana nasional bisa dilakukan dengan beberapa prinsip, yakni: (1) substansial-kontekstual dan bukan formal-tekstual; (2) dari orientasi prinsip jawâbir menuju zawâjir; (3) teori zawâjir (rehabilitation theory), yakni merahibilitasi si terpidana; (4) pembentukan asas-asas yang disarikan dari hukum Islam sebagaimana yang tertuang dalam konsep maqâshid al-syarî’ah.

Kata Kunci: Integrasi, hukum pidana Islam, Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana, penal reform.


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Author Biography

M Sanuri, UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Dr. Sanuri, M. Fil. I

Dosen Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya





